Bob Casey: The Senator who voted for high inflation for the Keystone State.
Whether you live in buzzy Philly, in a calm suburb outside Pittsburgh, in the beautiful Pocono mountains, or in a towering industrial town, you probably realize life is much more expensive than four years ago.
Compared to January 2021, Pennsylvanians are paying for the same basket of goods:
- $943 more per month
- $11,316 more every year
- $21,534 cumulatively since January 2021
Casey loves Bidenomics so much, he voted for all $5.5 Trillion of Biden’s Big Government spending binge. Thanks to his votes, we had record high inflation wreaking havoc in the pockets of Americans.
Now, when it is obvious the laws he supported are something to hide from, not brag about, Mr. Casey makes up excuses to mask their own responsibility. Joe Biden and his friends in Congress like Senator Bob Casey are creating a false narrative to distract the American people from the truth – calling it “greedflation”.
However, Mr. Casey underestimates the American people. No one is buying his ridiculous rewriting of Bidenomics.
How Bidenomics made your life more expensive:
Inflation happens when the government prints too much money.
The logic is simple. If the government prints money faster than the economy grows, each dollar bill will be worth less. And in the last four years, Washington printed a lot of money.
Just between 2019 and 2022 the money supply expanded by 42%, while the economy only grew 3.6%—making inflation impossible to avoid.
In the pandemic year of 2020, some of this spending was justified, but the crisis was winding down by the time Biden took office, yet all government restraint went out of the window. Biden and Casey pushed for big-spending bills like the American Rescue Plan (ARP), the CHIPs Act, the (badly named) Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and other laws that authorized over $5.5 Trillion in new, extra spending— the last thing you need if you want to prevent inflation.
These bills flooded the market with trillions of dollars freshly printed out of the press, turning inflation from a looming problem into a destructive reality.
Casey: Reliably wrong on everything.
To be fair with Mr. Casey, he does have one attribute: He is very reliable— reliably wrong on economics.
Time after time, Casey promised his bills would either put more money into the pockets of Americans or would bring prices down. Every single time, he’s been proven wrong.
Let’s take a look:
- In 2021, he celebrated the passage of the American Rescue Plan with fanfare. He said the bill would “put more money in the pockets of working families” and bring untold prosperity to the commonwealth.
What really happened? The ARP jumpstarted inflation and made the lives of all Pennsylvanians much more costly.
- In 2022 he promised the (woefully misnamed) Inflation Reduction Act would make life more affordable for all Americans.
The truth? The IRA gave more than a trillion dollars to green energy cronyism and did nothing to tamp inflation down because it added to the debt. If anything, inflation slowed down because the Federal Reserve kept raising interest rates to cool down the economy and because the return of divided government ended the borrowing binge.
With both of his landmark projects an unsalvageable wreck, Casey entered full damage control mode.
Casey’s excuses for his bad economic ideas
People were not buying Bidenomics, so Casey changed gears. Just like his friend in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, he stopped saying Bidenomics was getting prices down (it wasn’t) and went on to blame businesses.
The senator says greed made prices skyrocket rather than acknowledging it was government spending that made inflation happen.
He blames corporations for selling you less for the same price when businesses just react to the inflation that Casey voted for.
He now says the government needs more powers to fight inflation when, in reality, the only thing the government needs to do is to get spending and debt under control.
Senator Casey’s excuses are not enough. He voted for the economic car crash that’s Bidenomics, and he is trying to flee the scene.
Pennsylvanians, however, know very well Casey voted for Bidenomics and will hold him accountable.